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About the ROC Food Pantry

The ROC is not a homeless ministry… it is a “keep people in their homes” ministry.

Volunteer Distributes Food Bags

“And the King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for the least of these people of mine, you did it for me.'”
Matthew 25:40

History of The ROC Food Pantry

The ROC food pantry had a humble birth. In 2004 an unnamed food bank was launched in an alley garage of First Christian Church near historic downtown Grants Pass, Oregon. In the first week food was served to two people. When six volunteers had signed up, work began converting that garage into a food pantry. By August 2004 we had over 10 volunteers to serve clients each week.

In November 2006, Mrs. Lillian Hoover, a member of First Christian Church, bequeathed a large contribution to the Church for food pantry purposes. That gift became the Hoover Fund with ROC still receiving benefits to the present time. As ROC grew it also received donations from individuals, more local churches and organizations, and foundation grants as the important work being performed became recognized by the community.

As the food pantry grew more space was desperately needed and we developed our long term vision: To purchase a building and provide funding to administer future ministry and programs, and partner with other churches for donations of time, energy, supplies, and money to expand services and outreach.  In April 2007, a major step regarding that vision was achieved. First Christian Church utilized a portion of the Hoover Fund to purchase the building we currently occupy. We named our food pantry  ROC – Reaching Our Community.

In 2008, we began to offer free food delivery for home-bound people. We also distributed more than 15,500 pounds of free clothing that year. In 2009, we completed our kitchen and added a Warehouse Coordinator position, a new ROC director, and a second distribution day on Saturdays that doubled the number of people we serve. We also made over 1,000 home deliveries with the help of many volunteered hours. And we have been even busier since then.

The ROC now consistently serves over 5,200 people a month and makes an additional 200 monthly home deliveries. ROC currently has several employees and approximately 38 volunteers who work about 700 volunteered hours each month. We also benefit from Easterseals Senior Community Service Employment Program participants, who contribute approximately 380 volunteered hours per month. We receive donated food, clothing, and financial contributions. And we now hold monthly yard sales which is a friendly way to generate additional funding when every dollar counts.

Ribbon cutting

ROC Food Pantry Mission

Volunteers load bags of groceries during food distribution at the ROC.

“Whoever has two tunics is to share with him who has none, and whoever has food is to do likewise.”
Luke 3:11

Our purpose is to fight hunger and feed hope so that no-one in our community goes hungry.

It is our calling and honor to serve those in need with love as Jesus asks. Not out of pity, but with respect for their human dignity. And, not just feed their bodies, but by providing for their overall being… body, soul, and spirit.

“Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink… or needing clothes and clothe you? The king will reply. ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for the least of these people of mine, you did it for me'”
Matthew 25:37-40

Fight Hunger, Donate Today!

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ROC Food Pantry

564 SW Foundry Street
Grants Pass, OR 97526

Distribution Hours:
Thursdays 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Saturdays 9:00 am to 12 noon